Monday 24 March 2014

Goliath, Meet David

For those of you interested in gaming, the shiny new generation of consoles arrived late last year. As gamers hunker down to complete every last level of the launch titles, we ask what’s next.
Over the last few years, the business of releasing AAA quality blockbuster titles has been getting more and more expensive. Creating detailed Full HD quality assets and the large-scale immersive worlds that gamers want to explore doesn’t come cheap.
Proving that the dreaded cash flow occasionally proves mightier than the sword, some of the big publishers are shying away from risky new ventures and relying instead on annual rehashes of so-called ‘safe franchises’, such as Call of Duty, Halo and FIFA. Gamers who don’t necessarily see the cost of development – only a lack of creative vision – aren’t happy!
Not for the first time, indie games development is coming to the rescue.
Sony, for example, is shouting about all the indie titles it’s supporting on the PS4, while the PS Vita has essentially become a portable indie game playing machine. Microsoft, meanwhile, announced its ID@Xbox program last year and is majoring on the potential to turn every Xbox One into a development platform for self-publishing.
AAA quality games are of course still being developed. That won’t stop, nor should it. But with the big players increasingly promoting indie developers and indie games as a benefit of choosing their platform, perhaps the David's of this world can re-inject a little creative vision and risk taking into the games arena that has been sadly lacking of late.
Me? I guess I’m part of the problem.
Titanfall here I come baby!!!
Lock and load ;-)

Author - Bryan Ford

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