Sunday 7 September 2014

What new IP has your R&D created? Find out – free of charge

In the course of your R&D work, you’ll have created a variety of intellectual assets. Some of these may be registrable intellectual property, such as patents and designs. There’s often a wealth of other material, from copyright works (such as software code) to specialist know-how and trade secrets.
You know that all these assets – your IP and other intangibles - are valuable, because they underpin your products or services. However, because they don’t feature on your balance sheet, you can’t easily quantify or mobilise that value for lending or investment. In fact, how do you make anyone outside your business aware you’ve got them?
We have recently met Inngot, who offer unique online tools to help businesses realise the value tied up in these off-balance sheet assets. Their solution starts with their profiling tool which uncovers what you’ve got.
Inngot can then tell you what these assets are worth. They have so far found just shy of £200m in IP using their online tool called Sollomon. Developed with specialist input from Grant Thornton UK LLP, Sollomon allows you to produce a comprehensive four-page summary report which gives you a good indicator of value, and shows you what kind of royalty rate you might be able to achieve if you decide to licence your innovation.
As a Jumpstart client, you are entitled to a free innovation profile, simply contact Mark Lear on 07967 462704 for more information.

Author - Laeticia Guillard

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