Thursday 19 March 2015

National Museum Of Scotland Gets Science Grant!

Edinburgh and its surrounding area is a well-known hub of scientific advance, and here at Jumpstart, we geeks are passionate about communicating new and exciting, plus older but fascinating scientific stories with you.

So we were very excited to hear that the National Museum of Scotland, right here in Edinburgh, has been awarded a £1.3 million grant to fund six new science and technology galleries, creating a Scottish centre for science communication.

Much of the focus will be on biomedical science, including genetics – an area of science that Edinburgh is well known for, after research at The Roslin Institute led to the first mammal cloned from a somatic cell - Dolly the sheep - in 1996.

After her death in 2003 Dolly was put on display at the museum. Other displays will focus on areas such as the development of new pharmaceuticals and advances in prosthetic limbs and body implants. Whatever the area, the aim is the same, to show contemporary developments in science and technology, whilst promoting debate and discussion.

Having such a centre in Edinburgh is an amazing prospect and will hopefully inspire a whole new generation of little geeks – and who knows what they might come up with in the future!

Author - Charlie Burgess

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