Wednesday 29 October 2014

Ghostly Goings On…..

I love Halloween. I mean I really love Halloween. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I start planning my costume around about April (ghost cowgirl, complete with gory bullet wound if you’re wondering) and my excitement reaches ridiculous levels come September….and, now, finally, the time is upon us!

Shops are full of pumpkins, fake blood and witches hats and my home is covered in gory, gruesome and generally awesome decorations (I could lie and tell you it is for the benefit of my 5 year old daughter, but it’s not, it’s for me. Not that she objects, she has had a love of Halloween ingrained in her since she was born, I had her dressed as a pumpkin at 3 months old).

Now don’t get me wrong, I like my gruesome gore in a very pantomime fashion, I’m not a fan of genuinely scary films (seriously, have you seen The Ring, I honestly didn’t sleep for a week after I saw it) and the thought of coming face to face with a real ghost scares the utter hell out of me….yes I know, ghosts aren’t real.

The scientist in me absolutely knows this and knows that all strange and weird happenings have a perfectly reasonable and logical explanation (usually involving the brain playing tricks, old pipework or practical jokes)….but….but this tiny little part of me thinks there just might be some stuff that can’t be explained logically (this is the very non scientific part of my brain, the part that knows that at 38 I am too old to dye my hair pink, but wants to anyway), and of all the places in the world that you might come across a real live (well dead) ghost, Edinburgh has to be top of the list.

There is even some suspicion that there is a ghost in the Jumpstart offices…a report of a hole punch that was sitting in the middle of a desk suddenly landing on the floor and a floorboard creaking as though someone was walking on it when no one was there (heard by at me and at least one other person on separate occasions, I might add….and it was the same room as the hole punch incident)…..spooky stuff huh? OK, OK, or an old building and a hole punch that was a little closer to the edge of the desk than originally thought….but hey, its Halloween so indulge me and in the words of Michael Jackson, let's get inside this killer, thriller tonight.

charlies sig

Author - Charlie Burgess

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